On this page you can find information about school trips from UK schools between 1930 and 1992. While most of the trips take place in the UK and mainland Europe, there are also trips to Africa, North America, Japan and Australia.

Use the map below to browse the school trips. Hover over a marker to see details of a particular journey, and click on the links in the description boxes to see accounts of the trips written by pupils for school magazines. The arrows in the top left of the map allow you to zoom in and out. The key below categorises the schools by type.

Technical schools

Grammar schools

Comprehensive schools

Independent schools

Secondary modern schools

Co-educational selective state schools

Single sex selective state schools

Do you remember the school trips you took, or do you have any ephemera (photos, diaries, letters etc) from a school trip? If so, contact us by email or on Twitter, and we will add your account to the map!

Click on the buttons below to find out more about particular types of school trip.